1. Have The Flue Cleaned As And When Required The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) states that the National Fire Protection Association recommends that you should have your chimney …
What Is A Fireplace?
Fireplaces have long been designed into homes and used to help provide heat to a room well before central heating systems were even a concept. Not all homes have fireplaces, …
Where The Flue On A Wood Burning Stove Is Located (With Pictures)
The flue on a wood burning stove helps to remove waste gases and smoke from a stove out of your home. So where is the flue on a wood stove? …
Can A Wood Stove Be Too Big? (Or Even Too Small?)
Wood burning stoves help to increase the heat output from burning wood in your home, and in general the larger the stove the more heat can be generated. But can …
Are Wood Burning Stoves Airtight? (And How To Check Whether Yours Is)
Wood burning stoves allow you to control a fire in your home more easily by providing a sealable door and air vents, but are wood stoves airtight? With both the …
5 Reasons Why Your Wood Stove Is Burning Hot (And How To Cool Down)
The aim of a wood burning stove is to burn wood more efficiently to produce more heat, but in some circumstances a wood stove can be burning too hot. A …
7 Reasons Why Your Wood Stove Isn’t Drawing (And How To Increase It)
A wood burning stove needs sufficient draw to ensure continuous airflow through the stove in order for the fire to keep burning through the wood. A wood burning stove that …
12 Things To Look For When Buying A Wood Burning Stove
It can be a daunting task looking for the right wood burning stove for your home. There are so many different variations of stove to choose from, all with varying …
What A Wood Stove Fire Should Look Like (With Pictures)
Depending on how much air and fuel is being supplied, a fire in wood stove can have many different variations in what it looks like. Too little oxygen getting to …
What A Baffle Plate Is In Wood Burning Stoves (And What It Does)
The baffle is an important component of both wood burning stoves and multi fuel stoves. A wood stove creates an enclosed environment in which to burn wood more efficiently, and …