Gas Fireplace Arrange Logs Coals

How To Arrange Gas Fireplace Media (Logs/Coals)

In Gas Fireplaces by James O'KellyLeave a Comment

Gas fireplaces use a real fire to generate heat but as gas is the only source of fuel the fireplace media, often found in the form of logs or coals, aren’t real and are for decorative purposes only.

Gas fireplace media such as logs and coals therefore need to be arranged inside the firebox of a gas fireplace in a way that suits both the desired look of the fire and the safety requirements set by the manufacturer of that specific fireplace.

Gas fireplace logs, coals and other forms of media must always be arranged inside a gas fireplace in line with the requirements set by the manufacturer in the instruction manual. Arranging gas fireplace media in an incorrect order can be a safety hazard and can also affect flame performance and increase sooting.

Gas fireplace logs are typically arranged within the firebox in a certain order with the largest logs placed first and smaller logs placed on top, while coals are typically placed spread out across the top of a combustion matrix in a particular arrangement.

We’ve explained how to arrange these different types of fireplace media in more detail below.

How To Arrange Gas Fireplace Logs

Before arranging logs in a gas fireplace consult the owner’s manual for guidance specific to that fireplace.

Seek help from a certified gas professional if you’re unsure of the placement.

Don’t use a gas fireplace unless the logs are in the right location.

To arrange logs inside a gas fireplace:

  • Consult the owner’s manual for specific instructions.
  • Only use the logs that came with the fireplace, or the correct replacements.
  • Place the logs inside the fireplace in the order specified by the instruction manual. Larger sized logs are typically placed first with smaller logs laid on top/to the sides. The logs may have notches to aid in placement and prevent movement once in place.
  • Double check that the logs have been placed in the correct arrangement.
  • Ensure that the logs don’t block the flames. When positioned properly, the logs won’t impede the flames.

If you’re missing any of the logs, contact the manufacturer for replacements before using the fireplace.

Clean Gas Fireplace
Correct arrangement of logs in a gas fireplace is important for safe operation and so always follow the guidelines for arranging gas fireplace logs set by the manufacturer

Does Log Placement Matter In A Gas Fireplace?

Correct log placement in a gas fireplace is vital to maintain a safe and effective working gas fireplace where the flames aren’t blocked.

How To Arrange Gas Fireplace Coals

Before arranging coals in a gas fireplace consult the owner’s manual for guidance specific to that fireplace.

Seek help from a certified gas professional if you’re unsure of the placement.

Don’t use a gas fireplace unless the coals are in the right location.

Our own gas fireplace uses coals as the fireplace media.

When the house was bought, this gas fireplace insert was already installed within the living room masonry fireplace.

Gas Fireplace
Our gas fireplace in which we’ve had to correctly arrange the coals

Before using our gas fireplace for the first time we had a gas certified engineer come take a look at it. We were asked to not use the fireplace until the coals were arranged within the fireplace in the correct order as per the instruction manual.

Gas Fireplace Coals
The coals arranged incorrectly and therefore unsafe to use

We couldn’t locate the manual but used the rating (data) plate within the fireplace to find an electronic copy of the owner’s manual.

Gas Fireplace Data Plate
If you can’t find the manual look for a rating/data plate somewhere on the gas fireplace in order to find an electronic copy of the manual when the model number is known

The manual provides a step-by-step guide on how to correctly arrange the coals for our specific model of gas fireplace.

To arrange coals in a gas fireplace:

  • Consult the owner’s manual for specific instructions.
  • Only use the coals that came with the fireplace. Check that the right number of coals are present.
  • Place the coals in the gas fireplace in the order and arrangement outlined within the manual.
    • For our gas fireplace, we’re asked to place the front six coals onto the combustion matrix, ensuring that coals don’t overhang the flame ports.
    • We’re then asked to place four coals at the back of the firebox and finally asked to lay the remaining coals across the middle pillars.
  • Double check that the coals have been placed and arranged correctly.
Gas Fireplace Coals
The coals taken off before putting them back in the correct order
Gas Fireplace Combustion Matrix
The combustion matrix on which the coals are placed
Gas Fireplace
The coals arranged in the correct order

Coals must always be arranged correctly in a gas fireplace. The manual to our gas fireplace explains:

The coals must not be crammed together, or inserted into the holes in the matrix. A well laid out, generously spaced coal layout will give the best results.

When lit the flames should not be hitting the sides of the firebox, if so adjust as necessary. No coals should be directly above a flame port.

The fire is designed to operate correctly with the coals supplied when assembled according to the instructions. Never add to the fifteen coals, or change them for a different type.’

Focal Point Fires

Further Reading

All Gas Fireplace Articles

Parts Of A Gas Fireplace Explained

How To Light A Gas Fireplace

Gas vs Electric Fireplaces Compared

Why Some Gas Fireplace Always Have A Flame

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